SCC Arbitration Institute

SCC Digital Week 2022: Interviews and news

Enjoy a selection of the latest news and interesting interviews during SCC Digital Week 2022 from 30th November to 7th December. We will post new content here every day during the week.

Discover the latest news and interviews from SCC Digital Week 

SCC Live Trendspotting Event

”The world order is out of order”. That was the message from former Swedish Prime Minister Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt, when he delivered his keynote speech in Stockholm.

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International Arbitration and the war in Ukraine

On 29th November 2022, the SCC held the third East-West Forum, devoted to the impact of the war in Ukraine on international arbitration.

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Rent our venue for hearings and breakout sessions

At the SCC headquarters at Regeringsgatan 29 in central Stockholm, we offer modern and green certified hearing facilities.

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The re-launch of the SCC brand

Here it is – our new brand reflects the forward thinking way in which we have developed arbitration since 1917.

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New report concerning green technology disputes

The report covers disputes registered with the SCC Arbitration Institute between January 1th 2019 and October 1th 2022.

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The benefits of SCC Express

Meet Emilia Lundberg, Mattias Göransson and Christin Campbell-Wilson when they share the origin of the new express dispute resolution tool SCC Express.

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Survey shows: most important features of an arbitration institute

Tthe SCC Arbitration Institute earlier this year commissioned a market research survey, conducted by the research company IPSOS.

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