SCC Arbitration Institute

The SCC Arbitration Institute leads the way in embracing the age of AI

As the SCC continues to innovate, we are proud to release our Guide to the use of AI in cases administered under the SCC Rules.



The SCC Arbitration Institute (“SCC”) provides parties with a neutral forum and an impartial process for the reliable, efficient, and expeditious resolution of disputes worldwide. It considers itself to be a thought leader, particularly in the Nordic region, and at the forefront of innovation in the field. 

Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is a rapidly evolving and transformative field with significant potential benefits in terms of efficiency and expeditiousness. Its use, both in and outside of arbitration, is increasing exponentially with broad commercial, geopolitical and security repercussions, among others.  

– AI is the future! Already now its use represents significant potential benefits for arbitration users in terms of time and cost efficiency. We expect to see an exponential increase in the use of AI, says Jake Lowther, Specialist Counsel. 

Managing AI’s potential 

Given the potential benefits arising from the use of AI, as well as the societal importance of binding dispute resolution, the SCC is releasing this non-binding guide to the use of AI in cases administered under the SCC Rules (“Guide”). The Guide follows the SCC’s light touch approach to maintain flexibility and adaptability in respect to the use of AI in SCC cases, while also contributing to the development of global best practices. 

The SCC encourages Arbitral Tribunals and as appropriate other participants in arbitration to bear in mind inter alia the following. 

– We at the SCC are thrilled to be able to release this new SCC Guide to the use of artificial intelligence in cases administered under the SCC rules to promote best practices in the use of AI in arbitration! says Caroline Falconer, SCC Secretary General. 

The Guide to the use of AI in cases administered under the SCC Rules is available here

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