SCC Arbitration Institute

The evolution of arbitration practices in Eastern and Western Europe

In this video series, we engage in conversations with members of our SCC Arbitrators' Council to find out more about the global perspective on arbitration and various dispute resolution approaches in different nations. This time we meet with Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz, Founder and Senior partner at GESSEL Attorneys in Law, Poland.


Want to know more about the SCC Arbitrators’ Council? Read about it and its members here.

In this interview, the experienced arbitrator Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz reflects on the evolving landscape of arbitration, shedding light on the impact of globalisation for the development of arbitration practises, the role of the SCC Arbitration Institute, and the appeal of SCC procedures to Polish company lawyers.

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