SCC Arbitration Institute

Stars of the future

What is the biggest difference between working in Stockholm and Paris? How can one choose darkness when you can have sunshine all year round in Singapore? SCC's interns Yi Ting Sam and Chloé Heydarian know this, as we had them give their perspective on working with commercial dispute resolution at SCC.


You are both currently interning at the SCC. Please tell us a little bit about your background.

Yi Ting: I am originally from Singapore where I practiced international dispute resolution for over 5 years at one of Singapore’s leading law firms. I moved to Stockholm last year to pursue an LL.M. in International Commercial Arbitration Law at Stockholm University (ICAL programme) and ended that year with interning at the SCC.

Chloé: Like Yi Ting, I am also an alumnus of the ICAL programme. Currently, I am enrolled in the Paris Bar School, and as part of my traineeship to become a qualified French lawyer, I had the opportunity to pursue an internship at the SCC. 

What is your experience of interning at the SCC? 

Chloé: During my first month at the SCC, I translated the SCC Rules to French, marking the first time this has been done! It was an excellent exercise, that has deepened my understanding of the SCC Rules significantly. Additionally, I had the privilege of participating in an SCC Board meeting, which provided valuable insights into how the Board approaches issues related to challenges, cost decisions, and most importantly, their commitment to promoting gender equality. Another fulfilling experience was my contribution to a presentation aimed at young students. During the event, I had the opportunity to deliver a brief introduction about arbitration and the history of the SCC. I am currently doing research in investment arbitration law. I will keep you informed about my progress and findings on this matter!

Yi Ting: I’ve had a great experience at the SCC! Since I started in April, I had the opportunity to work on a wide range of tasks. For example, drafting SCC practice notes and various publications for the SCC website (such the SCC Spotlight Talk Series), working with ICCA to publish SCC awards in their ICCA Awards Series, and translating the recently revised SCC Rules into Chinese. As Chloé said, us interns are also given the eye-opening experience of participating in SCC Board meetings. Working at the SCC has also given me an insider perspective on the commercial and administrative aspects of running an arbitration institution. In my time here, I’ve supported the Secretariat in organising international conferences, and giving presentations to international business delegates as well as the students. 

What would you say are the main similarities or differences between the arbitration communities in Sweden and France?  

Chloé: I’ve noticed that the Swedish arbitration community is relatively smaller compared to the French one, and it also appears to be less hierarchical. This smaller size makes it much easier to connect with and meet all the prominent figures in the field, as it feels like a more closely-knit and accessible community. 

How about life in Sweden in general? Can you tell us more about your experience of living in Sweden? 

Yi Ting: I moved to Stockholm around a year ago. Prior to that, I was based in Singapore where it’s pretty much summer all year round. So it was quite an adjustment for me when the sun was not here to be seen for days on end during the winter. I recall feeling very “Swedish” when I caught myself gravitating towards any sunny spot I could find while waiting for the bus in the spring. To me, one of the highlights of living here is being so close to nature. My apartment is just minutes away from Rösjöskogens naturreservat, which has a beautiful lake and several scenic barbeque spots. One of my fondest memories of living here was the time when I encountered a pair of deer wandering out of the nature reserve while doing a laundry run.  

Chloé: On a professional level, I noticed that the work-life balance is highly valued in Swedish society. In addition, one standout characteristic of the Swedish society is its foundation on trust. I experienced this firsthand during my internship, where interns are given more freedom, flexibility, and trust, allowing for faster development and the opportunity to take initiative.  

Overall, my time in Sweden was enriching both culturally and professionally, and I will cherish the memories and experiences from my stay here! 

 What areas would you like to dive deeper into, and where and how do you envision applying your new skills after the internship? 

Yi Ting:  As I am now based in Stockholm, I hope to continue working in the legal sector here. I am also keen on improving my Swedish further and plan to continue with my Swedish classes. 

Chloé: Following my internship at SCC, I will clerk at the International Commercial Chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal. Therefore, I hope to have the whole picture of arbitration proceedings from a Court and an Institution’s point of view. Then, I will join the Paris office of an international leading law firm as a dispute trainee. In the future, I hope to develop my knowledge of Swedish law and language, to work on disputes under the SCC Rules! 

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