SCC Spotlight Talk: Kristoffer Löf
As outgoing President of the Swedish Arbitration Association, Kristoffer Löf was instrumental in the latest publication on Swedish arbitration, "Högkvalitativa skiljeförfaranden i Sverige". This week, the report was successfully launched and published, further enhancing the high quality of arbitration in Sweden.

Kristoffer, please give us some background to this publication.
The project stemmed from recognising the wealth of successful practices in Swedish commercial arbitration that had not been comprehensively documented or shared. By uniting many of the country’s foremost arbitration practitioners, the SAA has sought to identify and disseminate methods and principles that have been shown to foster efficiency in arbitration while still adhering to the highest standards of due process and correct outcomes. This initiative led to the creation of the SAA Arbitration Reports, a book compiling five detailed reports on various aspects of high-quality arbitration in Sweden, with the aim of fortifying Sweden’s position as a leading arbitration hub.
What are your expectations for the outcome of this project?
We anticipate that these reports will significantly support Swedish arbitrations and assist users of arbitration in tailoring their proceedings. If the reports contribute to an even greater trust in arbitration from Swedish businesses, the project will have fulfilled its purpose. It is crucial that arbitration meets business expectations for efficient and high-quality dispute resolution. By implementing the insights of the reports in all Swedish arbitrations, we also hope that the project will lead to more businesses choosing Sweden as their arbitration seat.
What is something surprising or insightful that you learned during the project?
The project’s entire aim is to collect insight from a wide range of Sweden’s arbitration community. Indeed, the reports are insightful. They provide tools and solutions to achieve the nuanced balance required between efficiency and thoroughness in arbitration. While the Swedish Arbitration Act allows for streamlined procedures, it is crucial to ensure that parties have sufficient opportunity to present their cases. Effective arbitration is not merely about speed but about providing a comprehensive and fair process. The ability to find procedural rules that successfully strike this balance often distinguishes the most successful arbitrations from the less effective ones.
Can you share something entertaining or unexpected that happened during the development of the report?
One entertaining aspect was the incredibly enthusiastic response from our invited contributors. We invited 34 arbitration practitioners – counsel, arbitrators, academics, and justices – all very busy people. Initially, we were unsure if they would have the time for such a substantial project. However, the majority of the invitees accepted the invitation on the same evening it was sent out, and within a few days, we had unanimous agreement from all of them. This swift and positive response highlighted the shared commitment within our community to securing the quality of arbitration in Sweden.
Reflecting on the entire project, what do you believe is its most significant contribution to the arbitration field?
The project’s most significant contribution is its potential to set a new benchmark for arbitration practices in Sweden. By consolidating the expertise and experiences of a diverse group of leading practitioners, we have created a resource that not only highlights best practices but also addresses common challenges and proposes practical solutions. This can greatly enhance the predictability and efficiency of arbitration, ultimately benefiting the entire business community by providing reliable and cost-effective dispute resolution mechanisms.
Thank you, Kristoffer, for sharing your insights on the topic och high quality arbitration.
Find the full publication here.