SCC Arbitration Institute

ICSID and SCC strengthen ties to promote International Dispute Resolution

On January 11 2023, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the SCC Arbitration Institute (SCC) have committed to strengthen their partnership to promote the use of arbitration, conciliation, mediation and other dispute resolution tools to resolve international investment and commercial disputes.  


The agreement signed by Meg Kinnear, Secretary-General of ICSID, and Kristin Campbell-Wilson, Secretary-General of the SCC Arbitration Institute, establishes a framework to jointly support public outreach on dispute resolution tools and methods, exchange information on new trends and technologies, and provide support for proceedings administered by either ICSID or the SCC as needed. 

To that end, the agreement encompasses collaboration on conferences, seminars, and trainings. ICSID and SCC will also ensure open lines of communication between the two institutions; for example, to share information on their experiences with the fast-evolving technical innovations that are transforming the field of international arbitration.  

The agreement is the latest for ICSID, and the SCC, with leading domestic and regional dispute resolution institutions with the goal of promoting knowledge exchange and offering practical assistance with cases—such as access to hearing facilities. 

“ICSID and SCC have a long-standing relationship and we look forward to building on this partnership with this agreement,” said Ms. Kinnear. “Given the rapid-pace of innovation in both investment and commercial dispute resolution, collaboration amongst arbitration institutions is essential to ensuring that the benefits are widely shared amongst parties and tribunals.”

“With more than 100 years of experience in administering commercial and investment disputes, the SCC has positioned itself at the forefront of innovation to provide its users with the most efficient and expeditious dispute resolution tools available,” said Ms. Campbell-Wilson. “ICSID and the SCC continue to be the two leading venues for efficient investor-state dispute settlement, and we welcome the strengthening of our partnership with ICSID in promoting sustainable international trade and investments.”


ICSID is an international facility available to States and foreign investors for the resolution of investment disputes. Established in 1966 by the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (the ICSID Convention), it is the preeminent global institution dedicated to international investment dispute settlement. Through its specialized rules of procedure, world-class facilities, and expert legal and administrative support, ICSID provides exceptional dispute resolution services to States and investors.

About the SCC Arbitration Institute 

Founded in 1917, the SCC’s mission is to facilitate trade and business by providing a neutral, independent and impartial venue for international dispute resolution. The SCC has emerged as one of the leading fora for commercial disputes as well as for investor-state dispute settlement based on bilateral and multilateral investment treaties, incl. the Energy Charter Treaty. Every year, parties from ca. 45 different countries choose to settle their disputes under the SCC Rules, which includes the SCC Arbitration Rules, the SCC Rules for Expedited Arbitrations, the SCC Mediation Rules, the SCC Rules for Express Dispute Assessment and procedures for the administration of UNCITRAL arbitrations.

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