SCC Arbitration Institute

Call for Abstracts

The editorial committee of Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook invites scholars and practitioners to contribute to the 2023 edition of the yearbook. Abstracts are due on 16 December 2022.


Each year, Stockholm is the seat for a wide range of international disputes, including cases resolved through ad hoc arbitration and cases administered by the SCC Arbitration Institute. Building on Stockholm’s role as an arbitration hub, the Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook addresses current issues that are of interest to the wider international arbitration community. This annual publication, published under the auspices of the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, is designed to meet the information needs of arbitration practitioners and parties from all over the world. The Yearbook is published by Wolters Kluwer and is available on the global online database

The editorial committee now invites arbitration practitioners and scholars to submit short abstracts (max. 700 words) proposing articles for the 2023 edition of the Yearbook. The abstract, together with the author’s CV, should be submitted to and by 16 December 2022. Authors whose abstracts are selected will be expected to submit an article of approx. 7,000-10,000 words by end of March 2023.

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