
Spotlight Talk with Leonardo Catovic
As an organisation committed to promoting international arbitration and educating the next generation of practitioners, the SCC occasionally publishes the work of students. The SCC is also a consistent early adopter of new technologies, including AI tools. This SCC Spotlight Talk is an AI-generated summary of Stockholm University International Commercial Arbitration Law graduate Leonardo Catovic’s master’s thesis, titled “Arbitrator Liability: Should arbitrators be immune from liability under ‘abuse of process’ claims?” (May 2024).

Welcome new SCC board members
As we welcome the new year, we are proud to introduce four new members of the SCC Board. This group of experienced professionals will play a key role in supporting the SCC’s case-related decisions under the SCC Rules while strengthening our position as a leader in international dispute resolution. With their extensive expertise and fresh perspectives, we are confident they will make a significant contribution to the SCC’s work in 2025 and beyond.

Highlights 2024: A Year of Insightful Webinars
As 2024 draws to a close, the SCC Arbitration Institute (“SCC”) reflects on a remarkable year filled with insightful webinars that delved into key aspects of arbitration and dispute resolution. From navigating disputes with public entities to exploring regional arbitration trends, the SCC’s webinars have provided a platform for meaningful dialogue, expert perspectives, and practical knowledge sharing.

Highlights from SCC’s 2024 Publications: Insights into Arbitration and Mediation
Over the past year, the SCC Arbitration Institute has been very productive, releasing a series of reports, providing invaluable insights into international arbitration and its practice. These publications reflect the SCC's ongoing commitment to advancing knowledge and best practices in the field, and ensuring Stockholm remains a trusted hub for international dispute resolution.

Spotlight Talk with Amund Bjøranger Tørum
In this SCC Spotlight Talk, we meet with Amund Bjøranger Tørum, a leading arbitration expert from Norway. Known for his extensive work in ad hoc arbitration and his expertise in handling complex disputes within Norway’s oil and gas sector, Amund shares his insights on how Norwegian arbitration stands apart from its Nordic neighbours, the role of institutional arbitration, and key considerations for drafting effective dispute resolution clauses. Read on for his perspectives on the evolving landscape of arbitration in Norway.

Caroline Falconer’s contribution to ICCA Handbook Highlights Swedish Arbitration Practice
Caroline Falconer, SCC Secretary General, has published a chapter on Sweden in the ICCA International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, providing an overview of Swedish arbitral law and practices. Reflecting recent updates and trends, Falconer’s report offers valuable insights for practitioners navigating arbitration within Sweden’s legal framework.

SCC Arbitration Institute Has Updated its Policy on Disclosure of Third Parties in Arbitration
Stockholm, 20 September 2024 – The SCC Arbitration Institute has updated its policy; requiring the disclosure of third parties with a significant interest in the outcome of disputes. This policy, effective immediately, aims to enhance transparency and ensure the impartiality and independence of arbitrators.

The SCC is proud to support the Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2025 – Call for abstracts
The editorial committee of Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook invites scholars and practitioners to contribute to the 2025 edition of the yearbook. Abstracts are due on 20 December 2024.

UNCITRAL-secretary on reforming Investor State Dispute Settlement
After high publicity cases where companies have been awarded billions of dollars in damages from developing countries, Investor State Dispute Settlements, ISDS, in recent years has met critique. But what would happen if there was no ISDS? Who better to answer that question but Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, UNCITRAL, and Director of the International Trade Law Division in the Office of Legal Affairs of the UN Secretariat.

Romanian Court clarifies who can administer institutional arbitration in Romania
In a landmark decision, Romania's High Court of Cassation and Justice confirmed that non-governmental organizations of public interest in Romania may administer institutional arbitration only if authorized by law, resolving legal uncertainty. In this news article, Cosmin Vasile, a member of the SCC Arbitrators’ Council and partner at Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners in Romania, analyses the decision and provides some key takeaways.